I was 21 versions of myself just now

13-channel installation on single-board computers

I was 21 versions of myself just now

As I was looking through previously taken self-portraits a few days after taking them, I noticed that the camera was accidentally set to the lowest resolution during the shutter release. A pang of loss washed over me. The views collected in photographs seemed irrefutably sealed and lost in the past. The vulnerability of the material shocked me, reminding me of the fragility of old photographs that only existed on fading paper. The low-resolution files refer to their origin, their pixels and break with the illusionism that photography cannot hold anyway. The actual loss never happened. The work „I was 21 versions of myself just now“ shows the traces of this observation on single-board computers. The small pixel grids are preserved and protected behind displays. Besides showing photographs of myself they also portray the digital medium itself. To take a closer look at them, you must approach them physically. You carry your own eyes towards them instead of enlarging the pictures. Within this movement, you built a relationship with the photographs, their sensuality seems herded together on slim ground. This is where it meets your own.